Dan Adler “Back To The Bridge”
Shown are lead sheets (in both expandable jpg or pdf download) for the four originals on my CD “Back To The Bridge“ featuring Joey DeFrancesco.
You are welcome to play these tunes. Email me for Finale files or transposed parts.

‘Back To The Bridge’ (pdf download).
This is based on “Have You Met Miss Jones” changes.

‘Between Jobs’(pdf download)
This is based on Rhythm Changes.

Silver And Gold (pdf download).

Good Old Days (pdf download)
This is written for simplicity in 4/4, but the rhythm section is playing in 3/4. Each 4/4 bar has the same duration as two 3/4 bars.
Dan Adler “All Things Familiar (My debut CD)”

Here are PDF lead sheets for the seven originals on my CD “All Things Familiar” featuring Grant Stewart.
You are welcome to play these tunes. Email me for Finale files or transposed parts.

All Things Familiar (pdf download)

Bird’s Idea (pdf download)

Bluemin’ (pdf download) (or watch on Youtube)

Blues For Keren (pdf download)

If I Were A Jazz Man (pdf download) (Watch live version on Youtube),
(Here is my guitar solo from the CD (pdf download) transcribed by Udo Wiemann

Talia’s Waltz (pdf download)

Sivan’s Samba (pdf download)
Dan Adler “Fantasy in D” (YouTube)

Udo Wiemann has transcribed my solo on “Fantasy In D” which I played on Youtube. You need to download the free Finale Notepad to hear/see the solo. You can download the free Finale notepad from: Finale Notepad. Here is the “Fantasy In D” Solo Transcription, and here is a link to the original Youtube Video. You can get a PDF of the transcription from Udo Wiemann’s Website.

Dan Adler “My Shining Hour – Slow” Solo (Youtube)

Udo Wiemann has transcribed my solo on “My Shining Hour” which I played on Youtube. You need to download the free Finale Notepad to hear/see the solo. You can download the free Finale notepad from: Finale Notepad. Here is the “My Shining Hour – Slow” Solo Transcription, and here is a link to the original Youtube Video. You can get a PDF of the transcription from Udo Wiemann’s Website.

Dan Adler “My Shining Hour – Fast” Solo (Youtube)

Udo Wiemann has transcribed my solo on “My Shining Hour” which I played on Youtube. You need to download the free Finale Notepad to hear/see the solo. You can download the free Finale notepad from: Finale Notepad. Here is the “My Shining Hour” Solo Transcription, and here is a link to the original Youtube Video. You can get a PDF of the transcription from Udo Wiemann’s Website.

Dan Adler “Wiggy” Solo (Youtube)

Udo Wiemann has transcribed my solo on Jerry Bergonzi’s “Wiggy” which I played on Youtube. You need to download the free Finale Notepad to hear/see the solo. You can download the free Finale notepad from: Finale Notepad. Here is the “Wiggy” Solo Transcription, and here is a link to the original Youtube Video. You can get a PDF of the transcription from Udo Wiemann’s Website.

Dan Adler “Ornithology” Solo (Youtube)

Udo Wiemann has transcribed my solo on “Ornithoogy” which I played on Youtube. You need to download the free Finale Notepad to hear/see the solo. You can download the free Finale notepad from: Finale Notepad. Here is the “Ornithology” Solo Transcription, and here is a link to the original Youtube Video. You can get a PDF of the transcription from Udo Wiemann’s Website.

Dan Adler “Stablemates” Solo (Youtube)

Udo Wiemann has transcribed my solo on “Stablemates” which I played on Youtube. You need to download the free Finale Notepad to hear/see the solo. You can download the free Finale notepad from: Finale Notepad. Here is the “Stablemates” Solo Transcription, and here is a link to the original Youtube Video. You can get a PDF of the transcription from Udo Wiemann’s Website.

Joe Farrell “Humpty Dumpty” Solo (Mad Hatter)
I recently found a copy of this transcription, which was done by Miran Epstein years ago, before half speed devices were available. He transcribed it for tenor, but was gracious enough to write it out in concert pitch: Humpty Dumpty Solo.

Joe Pass “Cherokee (medium)” Solo (Two For the Road)
This is the slower of the two versions on ‘Cherokee’ from the duo album of Joe Pass and Herb Ellis.
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Joe Pass “Cherokee (fast)” Solo (Two For the Road)
This is the faster of the two versions on ‘Cherokee’ from the duo album of Joe Pass and Herb Ellis.
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Joe Pass “I Love You” Solo (Intercontinental)
This is just the first page of this solo. I seem to have lost the rest of the pages…
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Joe Pass “Relaxin’ At Camarillo” Solo (Joy Spring)

Relaxin’ At Camarillo – This was one of the first Joe Pass solos I transcribed. Unfortunately, I never wrote it down, I just learned to play it. However, recently, Dirk D. from Belgium transcribed it and sent it to me. Here is Dirk’s Transcription. For convenience, here is the same solo at 1/2 speed.
Fast Solo
Slow Solo
Dan Adler (Guitar) & Richard Samuels (Piano) “My Funny Valentine”

Jeremy Poppard transcribed both our solos as we played them: (listen to solos). Thanks, Jeremy.

Joe Pass “Night and Day” Solo (For Django)

Night And Day (opens a new tab) – This is one of the best early Joe Pass solos from the classic album
For Django

Joe Pass “Guitar Style”

Blues opens a new tab

Rhythm Changes (pdf download)
Jerry Bergonzi “Vol 2. Pentatonics”

The Basic Pentatonic Formulas (pdf download)

The Minor 6th Pentatonic Formulas (pdf download)
Chick Corea “Now He Sings, Now He Sobs”

Matrix (head) – Chick Corea’s blues from this amazing album.

Matrix (Solo) – The first 3 choruses of Chick Corea’s solo, which changed the face of Jazz forever. Here is an MP3 excerpt from the actual solo.
Chick Corea’s solo
Other Sources of Transcriptions
Steve Grossman “Do It” Dreyfus Jazz Line CD
Steve Grossman is one of my favorite saxophone players. He really spans the entire range of styles from straight-ahead hard-bop to ultra-modern. The solos on this CD are in the Sonny Rollins tradition and are well worth hearing and studying. Below are MP3 excerpts of some of the solos from the CD which are transcribed in the book.

You can get the CD online here

Buy the book “Steve Grossman – 9 Tenor Solos“ by Sweet Pen Publishing.
Here are some of the solos in the book:
Lets Call This (mp3) – If you’ve never heard the more modern side of Steve Grossman listen to this solo unfold from Rollins to Brecker and back.
Lets Monk (mp3) – Same here…
Peter Sprague

Peter Sprague is Chick Corea’s “official” transcriber. Besides most of Chick Corea’s famous solos, you can buy great transcriptions of Sonny Rollins, Charlie Parker, McCoy Tyner and others.